Self-Study Modules


These modules are intended for autonomous study. They extend and expand the material covered in class. You should spend about 90 minutes on each module.

1) The Problem of the Two Envelopes

A classical head-scratcher that shows how tricky it can be to formalize intuitive ideas.

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2) "Blind Boxes” and Collecting

An old problem, recently in the news. How many boxes does one need to buy to complete a set?

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3) Return to the Two Envelopes

Using the “big guns” of probability theory, we develop a resolution of the paradox.

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4) The German Tank Problem

A famous estimation problem that established the power of rigorous statistical analysis.

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5) Confidence Intervals

The interpretation of confidence intervals is not easy. We explore what they actually state.

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6) P-Hacking and Data Abuse

“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics” – there is some truth to that statement...

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